Friday, 2 October 2015

How to Relax in 10 Seconds

The following technique is not well known, but it works like a charm.  You will have to stand up and adopt what I call the "Receptive Position".  This position is a variant of the so-called Anatomic Position, as shown below.

So here are the instructions for how to relax in 10 seconds with the Receptive Position:
Step 1:  Stand up straight, shoulders back but relaxed.
Step 2:  Raise your shin a little (as in a "proud" emotional stance).
Step 3:  Drop your arms to your side and completely relax all tensions that might be hiding there.
Step 4:  Make your palms face forward and try again to relax your arms. (This is the hardest part of the exercise; if it causes you some pain, you may slightly make them face a little bit towards you, so long as they are still mostly facing forward and not towards your body.)
Step 5:  Make sure your body is as free of tension as you can possibly get it to be.
Step 6:  Close your eyes.
Step 7:  Breathe deeply, counting in silence every exhalation until you reach 10. (If you are extra stressed, breathe and count each exhalation until 15.)
Step 8:  Upon counting 10 (or 15), immediately open your eyes. 

Do it!  After finishing, ask yourself - How do you feel at that precise moment?

If you are so anxious that your first attempt caused you some physical discomfort, please just do the exercise one more time.  This really does work for everyone.

Once you've learned how to do this easy procedure correctly, you know that you can always repeat it whenever anxious or overly stressed if you can find a place where you enjoy some privacy.

I hope that this exercise has provided you immediate relief.

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